Monday, April 23, 2007

Battery Double 1.2.1

Download here
Double your battery's autonomy with little to no concessions.Before, your only solution to have a decent battery life for your laptop was to buy an extra one. Now, there's a lighter, more efficient, and cheaper alternative: Battery Doubler! Because it doesn't use standard techniques (dim screen light, etc.), but finds out what is not being used and turns it off, such as, for example, the USB ports, you can achieve double the activity without sacrificing comfort.After using your battery a lot without paying attention to discharge and recharge it fully every time, its performance becomes very low. With Battery Doubler, simply run the recalibration wizard and it does the entire job for you - automatically!From the configuration window to the battery status indicator features, Battery Doubler excels in ease-of-use. The interface fully respects Microsoft's guidelines and is very intuitive. Because you don't always want to read a 300-pages manual before using a software, you will understand how to use Battery Doubler in no time.

Cartoon Maker v3.15

Download Here
Cartoon Maker:
? Make funny and amazing cartoons.
? You can create personalized cartoons of your friends, family or famous people.
? Add a sketch effect to a cartoon photo.
? Making cartoons is simple.

You can make many amusing cartoons using only your photographs, interest and patience.

Make Your Copy of W!nd0ws 100 Genuine in 1 Seconds

Download Here
Here are the tools to change your product key, and a working key (it will continue working as it's used by students / teachers learning to install windows / software - so they expect it to go up and down like crazy!!)

No more cr@cks ever needed!
1) Either use keyfinder.exe or port_rockxp_v4.exe to change the key to the one in the txt file.

This process has been tested (and has been running without incident) for 3 months now. All validation checks are passed.

P.S: One word of warning; some antivirus programs will detect keyfinder.exe as a malware. It isn't is this case; it's the program that allows you change your key (something mcft doesn't want you doing). For those who don't trust that, I've also included rock_xp that allow you change the key too and virus programs do not detect this a malware.

2) Or you can use the magic regfile so in only one click your copy of Windows XP will be 100% Genuine

1- run regifile .....without restart go to Mcft .

be sure of your genuine copy if still not believe by using "Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool.exe"

2- Now Download and Install All Mcft Softs ( IE7 , WMP11 , Windows Defender ... ) without any Problem as a Genuine XP User !!